In Psyche’s Shadow Update

Conde Vicente Joaquim de Carvalho of Castelo Branco is a very calculating man and long-time covetous and conniving neighbor to the Vaaz de Oleiros family. Having lost some of his precious land to Dom Francisco Vaaz as a result of his own cowardice, he has never given up on his desire to regain his land and take down these upstarts, the Vaaz family, as they threaten his position at the Portuguese Corte.

Don Carlos Bendito de Carvalho, the only son of Conde Vicente Joaquim de Carvalho of Castelo Branco, is a complicated man. He is definitely not a nice man, and he certainly hates Don Gaspar Vaaz de Oleiros (though the feeling is mutual). It’s going to be interesting when he finds out his long-time rival is bringing home a wife. Quite the opportunity to make things dicey.

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